Email Submissions

Please provide the following information in an email addressed to access[at]musicmediationdisability[dot]ca by August 31, 2020.

First and Last Name
Full Names of any co-author(s) or co-presenter(s) if applicable
Email Address
Title of Proposal
Proposal Abstract of no more than 250 words*
Proposal Format, such as performances, lecture-recitals, workshops, research papers, discussions, or any other format that applies.
Indicate the position that best applies to you (such as postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, undergraduate student, independent scholar, adjunct/contract professor, tenured professor, practitioner, educator, performer, activist, etcetera).

Optional: At your discretion, you may indicate to the organizing committee your disability status, preferred pronouns, race and/or ethnicity, and any accommodation requests or access needs you may have.

*In place of a written abstract, we will also accept abstracts in audio or video formats of no more than 2.5 minutes, attached or linked to your email submission.